A journey in words...

Welcome to my journey in words! A story about health, exercise, weight loss, food addiction, humor, size discrimination, sarcasm, social commentary and all the rest that’s rattling around inside my head...

I now twit, er... or tweet. Anyway, you can follow me on twitter @Aeon1202

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Side Note

I won’t call this a hard and fast rule yet, because it’s only a two month observation – but I’m going to keep on watching to see if it holds true.

Once again I’m a week before that ‘fun’ female time of the month, and once again I am on a plateau. I’ve been essentially the exact same weight for two weeks straight with no change whatsoever.

The Daily Plate affords me about 1,950 calories per day. On average, I eat 1,500 calories per day and am working my ass off at the gym.

I deserve to see a shift on that scale.

But it seems like no matter what I do; there are about two weeks out of every month that are going to be a total null for me from a weight loss perspective. Nothing is shifting when the hormones are in control.

I’m angry, I think it’s unfair. It feels like all the work I put in is completely meaningless for nearly half of every month.

Right now, I just need to bitch about it and be angry before I can move on.

It may suck that I’ve been dealt a hand that includes a body that gains and holds onto weight with the greatest of ease, but I’m aware there are far worse medical hands to be dealt in life than this.

Don’t worry - I’m not giving up. Tonight I just need to be angry.


  1. It may be water weight. (not fat and not to count as a dieting issue per se) As I remember drinking water and certain otc meds keep that from happening as much. Don't be like those wrestlers that do absurd things like dehydrate to loose a pound of course. Worries about every pound are the thing that make loosing a pound a discouraging psychological battle of morale. The battle of attrition is on and you will win. This is SPARTA! :p

  2. Definitely not just you. Happens to me too. And nearly every time, I notice at least a .2-.5 pound drop within the first day or two afterwards. Chris is right, I think it's just water weight. Specially with us sodium craving folks.
